Saturday, August 9, 2014

Eating clean and rest days

Oats for breakfast, soya mince/peppers/mushrooms burritos and a protein shake for dinner.

Obviously I try avoid any treats and snacks but it's hard when my workplace provides free food and drinks. Will power someone's doesn't last the whole day but I've no problem at the weekends.

Soya mince sucks though. Gonna have to try this again because ya can't argue with 14g protein per 100g.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Chest and triceps routine... and tunes

Jesus. Imagine looking like that lad. Sweet cheeks.
I'm not a gym pro or anything, and I don't look anything like Glutimus Maximus up there, so most of what I say here should be taken with a pinch of salt. 3-4 times a week but I'm regular and still wear medium shirts so if you're thinking you'll end up looking like Lou Ferigno by reading this, you've come to the wrong blog. I just enjoy gyming. So should everyone. It's gas craic!

I only had ~1hr to blast through as much as I could so mid way through some dumbbell presses I got a bit overzealous and dropped a dumbbell on my chest. Ouch.

My routine was: 
Bench - 60kg (5),70kg (4), 80kg (3)...
Parallel pull-ups - 8x3 (BW)
Superset Dips - 8x3 (BW)
Skullcrushers - 20kg 8x3
Flat dumbbell press - 25kgs 8x3
Bent over row - 30kgs 6x3
Chest fly - 55kg (8), 60kg (8), 65kg (8)

I think this is a pretty decent routine to go by and definitely targets all those lovely upper body muscle groups that everyone loves to hit in order to look like Cinnamon Buns up there...

Pull/Push movements
A lot of people are of the belief that routines should consist mainly of one motion or the other, which is find and everyone's got a different take on everything.
Personally I think combining Push and Pull movements within a routine is always a good idea and makes for a more balanced workout, but that's just me! For example the supersets of pull-ups and dips are opposite motions but while the dip is tricep centric, the pull-up is still using supporting muscles making it a more complete routine. Same goes for the flat press into the bent over row.

I've done the same routine with varied reps and weights (lower weights/higher reps) on the advice of an especially well-versed gym friend and definitely feel the benefit in the form of DOMS.

But who really cares, just go into the gym and blast some Math-rock (Protest The Hero maybe...) and lift in 7/4 timing. I need to start listening to my own music when working out, the Summer Classix mix CD in Ben Dunne gyms is starting to wane a li'l. Possibly coz there's never any Li'l Wayne.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Resistance band sprints

We had a solid 30 minute session of these followed by deadlifts and track-length jump squats tonight. I cannot feel my thighs.

I'm really trying to focus on good sprint mechanics and triple-leg extension movements so these exercises are killer for that. They're also good for getting you to the point where you need to be picked out of the bushes because you've passed out from exhaustion.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Exercise and food... sort of (Demetri Martin reference)

I've decided to convert this blog a bit, based mostly on a recent change in lifestyle and that my last post was about weight gain and supplements.

I weigh 75kg (at last weigh-in 4 months ago) and find it very difficult to gain weight. I play American Football so it's important for me to try keep muscle on so as well as training I go to the gym 3 times a week and as well as eating lean meals I take protein supplements every day.

My intake like most people usually includes a pre, during and post supplement regime.
Pre - Caffeine supplement with 15g protein and various vitamins like VITARGO®, ACTINOS™ AND BIOPERINE® (I couldn't begin to understand the science behind them, but I've found one pre-workout supplement that definitely works for me.
During - BCAA (powder/instant) Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine in a 2:1:1 ratio. At least it claims 2:1:1. I honestly just take this for the taste, I couldn't say I saw any noticeable benefit when I started taking it but sure, it was probably doing something good. However, I saw a significant change in my stamina when I added creatine monohydrate to the mix. I know not everyone is a proponent of creatine intake but it really is great stuff.
Post - Pure whey straight afterwards (I try get 40g via instant and a bar or something) and then a nice lean chicken dinner.

The team started a gym program ~9 months ago and we did body fat % checks at start and 4/5 month interval, and I was at 16% and then 12%. We have a check coming up soon so my target is <10 80kg="" and="" body="" fat="" p="" weight.="">
So, to summarize, I'm going to use this blog to track my progress. Bit narcissistic but whatever.
Bench - 90kg (100kg chains)
Deads - 150kg
Squat - 130kg


Sunday, May 9, 2010


A question on Formspring got me thinking about old phones I've had. I'm gonna try remember every phone I've ever had.

Nokia 5110

Christ, this is nostalgia at its best. This was one of the few phones around the time that had games on it. Snake was the ultimate game on the roads. I was the only kid to have this phone then so everyone wanted to use it. One of the few, if not the only, phones you could change the front facia of. I had this only 2 weeks when while playing Diddy Kong Racing in my mate Anto's gaf, I beat him by like a fraction of a second in a race and he went mental and everyone was laughing and everyone started wrestling and stuff. He accidentally stood on my phone which was in my pocket and broke it. I went home crying. I got a new one but it was traumatic. Brick. Absolute powerhouse of a phone. If this phone was a football player it would have been Paul Ince; Black, solid as hell in the middle, but ultimately you got rid of it once something with a little style came along.


Nokia 3210

I don't even know if I owned this phone but again, around that time there was a feature of this phone that endeared people to me because of my ability to use it. This was one of the first phones along with the Siemens C25 that allowed you to create your own ringtones. The shorthand system for denoting keys and notation values was bloody mental but I had it sussed and since I knew a little bit of music theory at the time I could transpose the main motif from most pop songs to ringtones. But the real niche market was people asking me to do songs by like blink-182 and NFG and stuff. I spent so long doing Adam's Song I can't believe it. Pretty poor phone otherwise. Built like a turd and broke as easily as a hymen. You could change both sides of the facia on this one though so it was kinda cool for that.


Nokia 3310

This I definitely owned anyway. It was like a beefier, less gammy looking, less flimsy 3210. It had the same ringtone rubbish going for it so my grasp on that market hadn't suffered. However by the time I got this, a lot of people had started to figure out how to get somewhat decent at making their tones themselves, thus my monopoly on the trade dwindled. However, this phone had a few more games on it. Bantumi, which nobody understood. Don't lie if you had this phone. You didn't understand the game. Space Impact, which ruled. Pairs which was for your aul wan to play, and Snake II. Same game, just the snake looked different and you could collect bonus food things. Great phone in general though. Buttons were so well laid out and real easy to press. Dual facia change and all. I had it for a good while I think...


Nokia 3410

Now this lad... Finally a symmetrical phone for me... The buttons weren't as nice and prominent as the 3310 but the Pinball game on this. Oh my god. My whole Leaving Cert was spoiled because of this. Usual stuff on the phone. I don't think I ever changed the facia of this because I was past that nonsense by that stage. I can't really remember why I loved this phone so much but it was my be all and end all for so long. I think it was around that time that mobiles became pretty much indispensable as social accessories in Ireland. From 4th year on, or whenever I had gotten it, I was lost without my mobile and it's always been that way since. I think maybe this phone held more messages than before. Wikipedia tells me games ran slower on this phone. Weird. So what. That Pinball game. Oof.


Nokia 3510

The Ivan Drago of phones.

Games sucked. Looked like dick. Horrible buttons. You simply could not break this phone though. I got beaten up with this phone before. I'm sure plenty of lads have been beaten up BY this phone before. It's like they made a phone, knew there was some air space inside and injected collagen into its pores. Completely solid.


Sony J6

My first non-Nokia phone. You might notice it has no arrow keys on the front. That's because all navigation was done with a side scroll wheel. This is the only picture I could find with a visible shot of it. It seems ridiculous, but it was dead handy. You could navigate through the reems of texts and find old stuff people had said and call them up on it. So naturally, if you know me, this is where it stemmed from. Amazing phone. It's the lightest phone I've ever owned, and amazingly, far more resilient than any phone previous, despite being so flimsy light. One time I was up in my friend Philly's bedroom with a bunch of friends, and nobody had credit and one of the girls was hassling me to use my phone because she wanted to call her friend or some rubbish and she saw me texting. She was bugging me something fierce, so I threw my phone out the window. Worked perfectly afterwards. Amazed it wasn't stolen. Tallaght natives can smell a loose phone from 500 yards away. I'm pretty sure this phone lasted me the longest of any I'd had before.


That Motorola phone.

I never had it but I remembered people in school having it.

If you had it...


Not the phone. You.


I'm gonna have to finish this blog off another time because there's some phones back in my parents' house I used to own and I want to keep this going chronologically...

Friday, May 7, 2010

I know people reading this might go "ugh, juicer ..." but this stuff is delish.

I've been tinkering with mixing it with foods to up my intake of protein (it takes a hell of a lot of food for me to put on a single pound of weight). I think I've found the most amazing thing ever.

I love porridge and most things high in fibre; cashews, nuts, wholemeal bread. I also demolish bananas when they're going. I managed to destroy a saucepan trying to make this the first time but I got a mixture so right today. Oh my God. I put it in a vanilla yoghurt after the gym today as well and my jaw dropped on first taste.

Promax Banana & Flahavans porridge is a winner.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Public Restrooms

I like to use public toilets more than my own sometimes, mostly because I like to judge. I mean, I know how comfortable using my own bathroom is, so I know what I'm getting when I head there, so I like to rate the restrooms of establishments I'm eating in or having a drink in. Plus if I wreck it, I don't have to deal with it...

A while ago I started taking photos of the cubicles to document how comfortable they are based on space, privacy, security, comfort and just a general overview of the stalls. Now this doesn't mean the actual room which the cubicle is in. That would require a whole new blog and I'm not really comfortable enough taking photos of urinals while people are there.

Today I used the Eddie Rockets bathroom on O'Connell Street.

F* me, it was small. God forbid you'd wanna stretch your legs a little bit. Like, that's probably as small as Ryanair toilets. The one saving grace about this jacks was that there were walls rather than a cubicle. I can't stand cubicles where you've no ceiling and the walls don't go down to the ground. The tiles made it impossible to graffiti so I guess that's clever but there was a wrought iron door where people had etched graffiti anyway.

You can't see it, but the toilet was a good 2 feet off the floor. It was above knee level. Doesn't sound mad, but when you consider that if you sit on it, your legs will be dangling, you realise how much of a goon you'll feel like on it. Plus the water/inner bowl level was pretty high so if you used a lot of tissue, you'd have to flush before... ya know...
